Benjamin Walters - Senior Principal Scientist, Biochemical and Cellular Pharmacology, Structural Biology

Benjamin Walters

Senior Principal Scientist, Biochemical and Cellular Pharmacology, Structural Biology

Postdoc Mentor
Years at Genentech
Publications at Genentech
Awards & Honors

I received my Ph.D. in 2013, advised by S. Walter Englander at the University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics studying the basic kinetic mechanisms of protein folding reactions. I joined Genentech as a post-doc in the protein analytical chemistry (PAC-2) and early-stage formulations departments (ESPD) in 2013 with Jennifer Zhang and Tom Patapoff. I have moved around throughout the company working on problems that involve protein dynamics ever since. My lab relies heavily on hydrogen-deuterium exchange experiments along and molecular dynamics simulations. I am currently a senior principal scientist in gRED Drug Discovery, jointly appointed to the departments of Structural Biology and Biochemistry and Cellular Pharmacology. I am also the current chair of the International Society for Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange since 2022.

Postdoctoral Mentor

Working as a post-doc mentor at Genentech has been a gratifying experience. I've had the opportunity to learn from vibrant and intelligent individuals at the onset of their careers. Together, we leverage the extensive array of tools available to Genentech researchers and tap into our vast data repositories to tackle intriguing biophysics problems.

During my tenure as a post-doc at Genentech (2013-2015), I learned how to cultivate a research program in a highly collaborative environment that fostered my development as a scientist. I built rewarding collaborations across the company because of the culture at Genentech. Everyone openly shares their time and resources to help our post-docs succeed. Having the opportunity mentor someone else while working together on engaging research problems has been a highlight of my career.

Featured Publication

Ternary complex dissociation kinetics contribute to mutant-selective EGFR degradation.

Cell Chem Biol. 2023

Rosenberg et al.

Identification of Agitation-Induced Unfolding Events Causing Aggregation of Monoclonal Antibodies Using Hydrogen Exchange-Mass Spectrometry.

J Pharm Sci. 2022

Gamage C.

Multiscale Coarse-Grained Approach to Investigate Self-Association of Antibodies.

Biophys J. 2020

Izadi S. et al.

An Allosteric Anti-tryptase Antibody for the Treatment of Mast Cell-Mediated Severe Asthma.

Cell. 2019

Maun et al.

Empirical Method To Accurately Determine Peptide-Averaged Protection Factors from Hydrogen Exchange MS Data.

Anal. Chem. 2017, 89, 2, 1049–1053

Benjamin T. Walters